Wido is now Walnut

One Click DeFi

Wido is a cross-chain API to stake, deposit to Vaults, LP pools and other non liquid tokens in DeFi.

Top protocols integrate and trust wido api

Grow your protocol’s liquidity with cross‑chain deposits

Integrate Wido and accept deposits in any token from any chain. We integrate leading DEX & Bridge aggregators to ensure best prices for the user.

Integrate Wido Widget and
accept deposits in any token from any chain

Support for DEX LP tokens, staking pools, vaults, farms and more.

API for Wallets and dApps

Use Wido API to enable deposits and withdrawals into any DeFi protocol. Earn extra revenue on each transaction initiated from your app.

Staking to leading protocols
Deposits to liquidity pools, vaults and more
Cross-chain support
Pricing & user positions data
Wido SDK

Crosschain stake, deposit, withdraw with  few lines of code

Works seamlessly with any token and from any chain 🌉

Integrate the Wido Widget with just few lines of code. Looking for a completely custom UX? Use Wido API & SDK instead.

Start Building
Code snippet for routing USDC from Ethereum into

Unified API for growing list of DeFi protocols

Uniswap V2
Create/Close LP
Uniswap V3
Create/Close LP
Create/Close LP
Create/Close LP
Create/Close LP
Create/Close LP
Cross-chain Stake
Cross-chain Stake
Cross-chain Stake
Cross-chain Create LP
Compound V3
Swap Collateral
Deposit / Withdraw to Vaults
Deposit / Withdraw to Vaults
Deposit / Withdraw to Farms
Deposit / Withdraw to Vaults

Across many supported chains

What people are saying about Wido

“I have been following your progress, it's really cool. Keep building ser 💪”

The Wido team has been a pleasure to work with. Their frictionless and composable zaps can help protocols unlock new swaths of users and deposits, whatever their vertical


The product is great, it is triggering tons of ideas in my mind

Naty Shi

“Ooooh this sounds amazing. I gave up on Yearn because of fees, but maybe I don't have to now.”
